Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Merry Merry Christmas!

We had yet again another wonderful Christmas and I was sad to see it end. Something with the lights, the carols and the joy of the season that makes it my all time favorite part of the year. And when you add kids to the magic it's even better.

We started off Christmas Eve with a service at church. We then headed out to look at some more Christmas lights and ended up in a great neighborhood where almost every house to lit and they had a "real" Santa waving at the cars that drove by. We picked up a pizza on our way home, sang and danced to some Christmas carols and tucked the boys in bed for Santa's arrival. We had a such a low key, family fun Christmas Eve and were looking forward to making this our holiday tradition.

Onto Christmas morning where we woke up with an overly excited Brayden who was more than excited for the present Santa left unwrapped. A new bike. Although his first words were " I didn't ask Santa for a new bike!" It was by far his favorite. We had to wake Bransen up for the excitement since he likes to snooze! Once Bransen woke up the boys both jumped into opening all their presents from Santa. I don't think Santa forgot anything the boys asked for and he even went beyond there list. The boys made the good list this year!

Our morning was followed by putting lots of toys together. Every toy was in high demand to be made right away. Ian's dad made a morning visit before he headed to CT to visit his mom and my parents and Ian's mom came over and spent the day with us. We enjoyed hanging outside and a lasagna dinner!

Oh and I celebrated my 29th birthday! :)

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