Monday, January 13, 2014

Bransen turns 2

It's hard to believe the littlest man in our house turned two! The year went by in a flash with so much fun and exciting things happening with Bransen. My little man is quiet and shy. He tends to play by himself unless his brother is around and keeps away from any other kids. I call him Mr. Unsocial. Hopefully with school next year we'll be able to break that barrier. He's quiet but into everything! Turn your head for a minute and he's up to no good. Baby proofing the house is a must with him. His laugh and smile is contagious and he'll light up a whole room. He loves his teddy, his brother, playing with matchbox cards, being outside and dancing. He's my little sidekick. We celebrated his birthday Mickey Mouse style with family and friends and are looking forward to all the things this year will bring! And the best present he received from turning two was a children's vacuum. The boys loves to clean and he will spend much time walking around with his vacuum cleaning in and out of spaces just like mommy! Batteries for the toy are stocked up!


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