Monday, May 20, 2013


I know I say this every post that is holiday related and I'm going to say it one more time, holidays get more fun every year that the kids get older, especially at Brayden's age. He is just simply amazed at everything that goes into the holiday.

The Easter Bunny. We heard about him for weeks prior to his arrival. He even declared one afternoon that he must go to the mall and see him. Well of course when we got to the mall all he wanted to do was see him, not sit on his lap or go anymore than 10 feet from him! The fact that the Easter Bunny was going to come to his house during the night amazed him and the next morning Ian made it even more realistic with leaving raisin in front of his door and on the front porch to make it look like the Bunny left "something" behind!

Brayden woke up early the next day excited to see what the Easter Bunny left him and Bransen. Bransen was staying at my parents the night before so he didn't get to see his treats until he got home. Brayden's basket was filled with all these Ninja Turtles so he was thrilled. And of course just like in Brayden fashion, everything had to be opened and put on immediately. There was no waiting.

Bransen arrived home with my parents and he got to open his basket. He was not to into the whole thing but his basket did contain some of his favorite goodies, a book and a rabbit.

The excitement moved outside where we told Brayden the Easter Bunny had come through again and left more eggs outside. The backyard turned into an Easter egg hunt where he collected eggs filled with coins for his piggy bank, Hot Wheel cars, a batman towel and much more. Bransen enjoyed the few eggs that he was able to find in the time before Brayden scooped them all up!

And a few days prior to Easter the boys and I planted our jelly beans that we would then watch blossom into lollipops. Each day we all went out to the backyard where we planted them to water them and see if they grew. To our surprise Easter morning, the jelly beans had grown into a bunch of


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