Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Black Raven

We ventured on a tour of the Black Raven Pirate Ship in St. Augustine. It only took us two attempts to be able to take the ride, once do to a potential downpour that lasted ALL day! We finally were able to go and of course it was one of the windiest days. It was chilly to say the least but we were lucky enough to be one of the first ones on and be able to get a seat in a semi-enclosed area.

As we were at sea, we enjoyed lots of pirate singing and dancing, sword fighting and face painting. All in which Brayden had little to no interest in doing. As much as we thought he was going to love this the whole time he seemed quite bored. I think he enjoyed the pizza dinner before hand more and the pirate sword that we bought him better than the actual ship ride!

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