Monday, June 25, 2012

Pirate Brayden Turns Three!

Ahoy Matey's!

A birthday party that took weeks to plan was a complete success! The theme was all about pirates and I think the birthday boy was quite impressed with his Mommas work! This is the first birthday he actually knew what was going on and was super excited about. My mom took him the night before and brought him home when his party was about to begin. To his surpirse when he got home he was going to be surprised with a party with all of his friends!!

Lots of pirate food was eaten up too! We had sea water, shark punch, pirate booty, cannon balls (grapes), plans (celery with peanut butter), fish bait (fish gummies), shark bait (watermelon), gold nuggets (cheese), pirate ships (jello with an orange), pirate loot (rolos) and skull bones (pretzels and marsh mellows dipped in white chocolate). Then of course there was the cake, a pirate ship of course!

The kids had a blast. I planned a Treasure Hunt.  In the beginning each kid was handed a clue and at each stop they were able to pick up an item that included, a pirate vest, eye patch and mask, a sword and then the very end was the treasure filled with all the goodies! At the end of the pirate we had a bunch of pirate running around.

I'm pretty sure all the kids had a blast and that was what I was going for and I know Brayden had a blast at his third birthday party! I can't believe my baby is three! He is growing into such a little young man. Looking forward to what this year brings us while moving into the fours.

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