We picked up our golf cart Friday morning (the campground is was to big to walk) and headed out to site see. Of course it had to rain that day too but we weren't going to let it put a damper on our mini vacation. We had also planned this day to do some indoor activities so it almost worked out perfectly. We got onto the ferry Friday morning and made our way over the the Magic Kingdom. As soon as Brayden saw the castle he automatically thought we were going to see Mickey's house and was saddened when that never happened. We then jumped on the monorail and made our way around to all the hotels. Our first stop was the Contemporary. We stopped in, walked around the stores, Brayden played a few games in the arcade and then made our way to the Polynesian. Now every stop was mostly the same. Checked out the stores and the hotels and then hopped on the monorail again to our next and final hotel which was the Grand Floridian. Still raining out we jumped on the ferry back to the campground. For the most part of the day we did stay dry!
The rain finally made its way away from us and we got to make our first trip to the pool! The water was so warm and it made the air outside feel so chilly. Brayden quickly got used to the kiddie slide and pool and was quite content in there for the entire time. Although he was not a fan of the water that was turned on to go over your head as you walked up the steps to slide, he always wanted one of us to turn it off for him! silly boy!
During the night time we made our way each night over to the campfire where we got to hang out with Chip n' Dale, listen to some music, and make smores! Brayden loved Chip n' Dale! He danced with them and even got up in front of everyone when they asked who was at Fort Wildnerness celebrating their birthdays! Not to mention the not so shy little boy did the Hokie Pokie with Papa and I too! Afterwards we made our way over to the water to watch the Magic Kingdom fireworks and light parade. After such a long day Brayden was fast asleep once we arrived and couldn't wait up to see them but we were able to wake him up right before they started so he could see the action!
Saturday morning we took a bus ride (Brayden loved the bus) over to Downtown Disney to do some shopping and site seeing but we all were eager to get back to the campground to spend a nice relaxing day at the pool!
And to note: Bransen was with us! Although there's not much to report on him! He had a great time on our adventures and took in all the sites! He's such an easy going baby he made it super easy with him! He even enjoyed some pool time in his float and the fire works at the end. I think he'll really enjoy the trip when we go back next time when he's a little older.
The whole trip was amazing. We made so many memories and we all had such a great time watching the joy through Brayden's eyes!
And on a somber note. My parents dog Timber passed away a few weeks ago and oddly (I think in his remembrance) our campsite was located on Timber Trail. We missed you Timber but you were with us in spirit!
That looks so fun!