The scariest fifteen seconds of my life. Hands down. Never been so scared and I hope that I never have to feel that way again.
What started off as a normal Tuesday morning, we headed out to the park to meet up with some friends to play. The kids enjoyed running around the park, riding bikes and playing on the playground. Brayden and his friend Nicholas decided to play cars in the back of my friend Theresa's van. In a split second Brayden stood up, slipped on the back of the van and ended up falling backwards onto his head.
Fifteen seconds. Unconscious. Somehow I kept it together, knowing I had to be strong and keep him awake. I ran over to him, shook him and picked him up. He finally started crying. The best noise I have ever heard. He would cry, stop and start up again. I knew I had to keep him awake. For some reason I just knew keep him awake. It was hard. He wanted to close his eyes and go to sleep. I wouldn't let him.
After having crappy cell phone service at the park and five minutes later and still no ambulance on the way, luckily there was a police officer at the park and she was able to radio an ambulance in. Living out in the country and far from town I was impressed that the ambulance showed up in less than twenty minutes. Again the longest twenty minutes.
Once the ambulance arrived, they loaded us up and took up to Halifax Medical Center. They hooked Brayden up to oxygen and gave him an EKG and told me he was very lethargic. With Ian being two and half hours away from home working my parents were quick to get there. Actually we passed my Dad on the highway. Which was surprising since, the ambulance can only go 78 mph!
Once we arrived at the hospital the doctors were quick to look at him. The checked him out and we stayed a few hours for observation. We were released shortly after a few hours. I was scared to go home. I was scared to let him sleep. I just had the worse day I could ever imagine.
We made it home. He slept with me for a few days. The thought that in a instance my something like that could happen and my whole life could change, still scares me.
Brayden, well he's a brave, strong, little guy! He could teach me a thing or two!
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