Monday, April 30, 2012

It Clicked!

As many times as people told me that "it would just click" I never seemed to believe that it would be that simple. I stressed about when and how I was going to potty train Brayden and if I would be successful and if it would happen before he turned three. Well it happened and I really did nothing! He took a bath one night, got out of the tub to use the potty, came and told Ian and I and well the rest is history. He pretty much trained himself. We've had no accidents and he loves wearing big boy undies. I've been able to take him out for long period of times with no accidents, although he is scared of using other peoples toilets. He's good at holding it and once in a while likes to do the occasionally peeing in the grass. I am so PROUD of my little man. He's done such a great job!

We had a little potty party celebration with a cake for him! All of us were so happy to share in his excitement and to see the look of pride on his face! One step to being a bigger "little" guy!

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