Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sunday Swimming

Another relaxing Sunday. This Sunday included lots of outdoor swimming.

Brayden was able to stand up in our pool and he thought it was the best thing ever. He was super careful walking around and making sure he didn't slip. He did great. There was one incident when I went to sit down in the water and he thought he could do the same. He just a mouthful of water! Bransen made his first trip into the water too. A little unsure at first he was quick to warm up to it and enjoy it with us.  Most of Brayden's pool excitement came from jumping off the ladder into my arms. I think we did it over 100 times!

This summer is definitely going to be spent with many days of water play!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wekiwa Springs-Babci's Birthday!

Another camping trip for the books and boy was it fun! We adventured on to a new campground and enjoyed all the new scenery and activities it had to offer.

The night we arrived we got to celebrate Babci's birthday with her too! It was a surprise to her that we were going to have a little camping party for her. Well I say it was a surprise present wise because she saw her cake in the cooler so she had a little clue. Brayden was excited for cake and to sing Happy Birthday and thought the presents were his to open. Of course she let him open them! My dad got my mom the best present ever! He got her a Tampa Rays license plate with Bacie personalized on it for her. "Bacie" is another way to spell Babci in Polish. She loved it.

Saturday we had plans to spend it at the Springs. The Springs was only a few miles from our campsite. The water of course was freezing but the boys all jumped in. Brayden enjoyed swimming until he started shivering blue and knew it was time to get out. The park was next on our agenda until we nicely got pulled over by a cop in the park for Ian and my dad riding in the back of my van with the door open. Needless to say that put a little damper on the moment.

But it didn't rain on our parade. We enjoyed Saturday evening relaxing by the fire and having dinner. The kids both did great on the camping trip. They get better and better with sleeping each time.

Our final camping trip of this season we going out with a bang! Next up is Disney's Fort Wilderness for Brayden's birthday weekend celebration!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Fun Pictures!

Some days, just to get through the day you just have to be silly and this was just one of those days! Brayden and I decided to take to the camera and take some fun pictures of ourselves!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Taste of Food

Bransen has finally had his first taste of the real thing! Food that is! I've decided that I am going to home make all my baby food for me. I got a food processor, ice cube trays and some freezer bags and have taken off with this experiment.

His first taste of food was apples with cinnamon. He loved it. I love when babies are first learning the whole eating and swallowing part of food. I think it's the cutest. Most of it doesn't end up in there mouth but they sure do love the taste of something rather than formula.

Since we started food we have tried avocado, apples and pears, sweet potatoes, carrots, mango, bananas, strawberries, cauliflower and squash and I'm happy to report there hasn't been one he hasn't liked. I'm hoping he'll stay this way and never be a picky eater like his brother!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Jumparoo Fun

He's a jumping fanatic! This little boy loves to jump. He'll spend countless hours in his jumparoo if you let him and sometimes he'll even take a little snooze!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sunday Board Games!

There's rarely a weekend when we don't have something going on. But this weekend we had a whole Sunday with no plans and we decided to make the best of a lazy Sunday at home. We pulled out all the board games and played all day! This was Braydens first time at playing games and it was a blast.

We started off with Candy Land ,which he liked to move the pieces where ever he wanted too. He also was the winner of that game! Beginners luck maybe?!

Chutes and Ladders (Superhero style I must add!) he loved going down the chutes! His character was Spider man. I believe he also won at that game too! Kids got game talent!

Hi Hi Ho Cherry and a Memory Game followed. But the most fun he had was Don't Break the Ice. He loved banging the hammer to try to get the ice down! He banged and banged and banged!

Ian and I had a blast too! Who knew playing kids games could be so fun! Looking forward to another Sunday like that with more games.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Just the Three of Us

Friends of ours from Massachusetts were down visiting for a few days and we were able to get together with them at SeaWorld one day during the week. Of course Ian had to work so I thought about being brave and decided to take both boys to SeaWorld by myself! It actually wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it could be. I really enjoyed spending the day with the boys there and think we will do it again soon. Each time we go back Brayden enjoys the animals and rides more and more. He also loved hanging out with his friend Brady, they were pals all day! It was a nice visit with the Larkins and can't wait to see them again next year!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ambulance Ride

The scariest fifteen seconds of my life. Hands down. Never been so scared and I hope that I never have to feel that way again.

What started off as a normal Tuesday morning, we headed out to the park to meet up with some friends to play. The kids enjoyed running around the park, riding bikes and playing on the playground. Brayden and his friend Nicholas decided to play cars in the back of my friend Theresa's van. In a split second Brayden stood up, slipped on the back of the van and ended up falling backwards onto his head.

Fifteen seconds. Unconscious. Somehow I kept it together, knowing I had to be strong and keep him awake. I ran over to him, shook him and picked him up. He finally started crying. The best noise I have ever heard. He would cry, stop and start up again. I knew I had to keep him awake. For some reason I just knew keep him awake. It was hard. He wanted to close his eyes and go to sleep. I wouldn't let him.

After having crappy cell phone service at the park and five minutes later and still no ambulance on the way, luckily there was a police officer at the park and she was able to radio an ambulance in. Living out in the country and far from town I was impressed that the ambulance showed up in less than twenty minutes. Again the longest twenty minutes.

Once the ambulance arrived, they loaded us up and took up to Halifax Medical Center. They hooked Brayden up to oxygen and gave him an EKG and told me he was very lethargic. With Ian being two and half hours away from home working my parents were quick to get there. Actually we passed my Dad on the highway. Which was surprising since, the ambulance can only go 78 mph!

Once we arrived at the hospital the doctors were quick to look at him. The checked him out and we stayed a few hours for observation. We were released shortly after a few hours. I was scared to go home. I was scared to let him sleep. I just had the worse day I could ever imagine.

We made it home. He slept with me for a few days. The thought that in a instance my something like that could happen and my whole life could change, still scares me.

Brayden, well he's a brave, strong, little guy! He could teach me a thing or two!