Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sunday Board Games!

There's rarely a weekend when we don't have something going on. But this weekend we had a whole Sunday with no plans and we decided to make the best of a lazy Sunday at home. We pulled out all the board games and played all day! This was Braydens first time at playing games and it was a blast.

We started off with Candy Land ,which he liked to move the pieces where ever he wanted too. He also was the winner of that game! Beginners luck maybe?!

Chutes and Ladders (Superhero style I must add!) he loved going down the chutes! His character was Spider man. I believe he also won at that game too! Kids got game talent!

Hi Hi Ho Cherry and a Memory Game followed. But the most fun he had was Don't Break the Ice. He loved banging the hammer to try to get the ice down! He banged and banged and banged!

Ian and I had a blast too! Who knew playing kids games could be so fun! Looking forward to another Sunday like that with more games.

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