Monday, April 30, 2012

It Clicked!

As many times as people told me that "it would just click" I never seemed to believe that it would be that simple. I stressed about when and how I was going to potty train Brayden and if I would be successful and if it would happen before he turned three. Well it happened and I really did nothing! He took a bath one night, got out of the tub to use the potty, came and told Ian and I and well the rest is history. He pretty much trained himself. We've had no accidents and he loves wearing big boy undies. I've been able to take him out for long period of times with no accidents, although he is scared of using other peoples toilets. He's good at holding it and once in a while likes to do the occasionally peeing in the grass. I am so PROUD of my little man. He's done such a great job!

We had a little potty party celebration with a cake for him! All of us were so happy to share in his excitement and to see the look of pride on his face! One step to being a bigger "little" guy!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Jelly Bean Plants

For a new Easter tradition we decided to plant jelly beans and watch them turn into lollipops! About a week before Easter we went in the front yard and planted our jelly beans near the front porch. We dug our holes, a few jelly beans in each hole and covered them up with dirt. For the next few days we went our every morning and evening to water our jelly beans. On Easter morning when Brayden went outside the jelly beans had grown into lollipops!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Easter Weekend

We started our Easter weekend celebration a few days early with some Easter treat baking. We made Easter egg rice crispy treats which Brayden was not a big fan of so Ian ended up taking most of them to work with him. We made the rice crispy treats, placed them in plastic eggs to get the formation, and then dipped them in chocolate and decorated them with sprinkles!

We attempted an Easter Egg hunt this year and it was a complete failure. The hunt started at 5:15 and we arrived at about 5:18 and were too late for the hunt and there was not an egg left. Most of the people were actually leaving the park. We heard that it was a complete chaos and was mostly just hundreds of kids all running and grabbing eggs. I think Brayden would have been a little overwhelmed by that and probably would have gotten scared and not participated anyway so I'm kinds glad we dodged the chaos!
Although I had talked about hunting for Easter eggs all day that he was a little bummed when he didn't get a chance too. Luckily he got a few lollipops put into his basket.

Meeting the Easter Bunny though was complete success. Ever since we took Brayden to Disney World to meet Mickey and Friends he hasn't had any fear of characters. He was excited to see the Easter Bunny and went right up to him to give him a hug. He wanted to spend more time talking to the Easter Bunny but there were lots of kids in line that were patiently waiting there turn.

Coloring eggs was a complete success too and not as messy as I had anticipated Brayden making it. Even though he wanted to drop the eggs in the coloring bowls a little harder than need be. Bransen enjoyed watching his big brother color eggs! Next year he'll be able to join in on the fun too!

Easter Sunday our house was visited by the Easter Bunny and in full effect waiting for Brayden to arrive. The Easter Bunny dropped off baskets for both Brayden and Bransen and his eggs and toys all throughout the yard. (Mommy and Daddy had fun!) Brayden was fast at collecting all the eggs in the yard and finding a sword, matchbox cars, an Easter bunny cookie and special eggs filled with money! I think the eggs he loved the most were the ones filled with chocolate. That's a real treat for him!

And as a polish tradition we had a light lunch of eggs and kielbasa and a yummy dinner to end the day of ham, potatoes, beans and carrots. And unfortunately my homemade carrot cake didn't turn out  so good because I accidentally put it in a smaller pan that it needed to be in!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Roller Overer!

Just one week after turning three months, Bransen has rolled over! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Weekend Outdoors

With the beautiful weather arriving earlier than normal this year we were able to enjoy a beautiful weekend camping at Tomoka State Park. It's one of many trips we plan to go on this season with the family.

As our first trip going with Bransen we were a little unsure how he would do during the whole experience. He loved the outdoors and looking at the trees. Who doesn't love fresh air?! He didn't do to great with sleeping. He was up a few times during the night and of courses Brayden was up before the sun so it made it a little tough especially when Brayden was ready to get out of the camper at 5:30!

We spent most of the days relaxing and taking Brayden out for walks and to the park in his wagon. He even got to bring his bike there so he was constantly wanting to pedal it around the park, the soft sand made for some troubles at times!

But of course there's always surprises and things we don't expect happening. We had a little rain which was actually nice, but Brayden ended up getting but by a mosquito in his eye Saturday morning. He is very sensitive to bites and usually will get a bit of a reaction to the bites. This time the mosquito got him right on the eye. It swelled up a little bit during the day and didn't look to bad. Well during the night having it closed and sleeping he woke up the next morning with his eye completely swelled shut.

So the ending of our great family camping trip ended with a trip to the ER, with everything turning out okay!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I Wanna Paint Mommy

There's an application on my Iphone that let's Brayden paint! He's always wanting to paint or color pictures. Here's some of his masterpieces!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wings Over Flagler

Besides cars and motorcycles being Brayden's  favorite things, planes are right up there too! He doesn't miss one when he sees or hears them in the sky so he was sure to love spending the day at our local air show, Wings Over Flagler. Checking out planes and watching the aerobatics in the sky was a fun experience for Brayden. Being up close and personal and being able to walk through an Airforce plane made for lots of smiles. The loud noise of the planes at times made him cover his ears but he never took his eyes off them. He even got to enjoy a few jumps in the bounce houses!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A quarter way to ONE!

Month three! This little guy of mine sure is active and alert. This month he's learned to love looking at toys and has even grabbed a few. His tag lovie seems to be his favorite at the moment and he loves grabbing all the edges. He loves to be outside looking at trees and we have even gotten a giggle from him this month. And the smiles are non-stop, he sure is such a happy little guy. He's content sitting in his chair, laying under his gym and in our arms. He's also very strong. He holds his head up very well and sometimes it seems like he's ready to get up and walk away! We've also been sleeping almost through the night. He usually will take up for one feeding around 3ish and goes back to sleep until around 7 but still isn't big on napping during the day, I think he  thinks he's going to miss something!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Chuck E Cheese's

Since our good friends Christine, Harrison and Brooks relocated to Jacksonville, Darla, the boys and I made a trip to Jacksonville to visit with them for the day! It was much needed since we hadn't seen them in a few weeks and missed them. The kids enjoyed playing together in Christine's backyard while us mommies got to chat and catch up. For lunch we decided to take the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's for some fun. I had never been to one before and didn't know how much craziness I was in store for. Brayden was in game heaven. The boys and Brooks ran around like crazy, playing all the games and eating pizza. They also got to meet Chuck E Cheese himself. The day ended with a quiet ride home for me and Darla while the boys slept from all the fun. We miss our weekly play dates with the Lyon's but are glad that there only a short drive away!