Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Chuck E Cheese's

Since our good friends Christine, Harrison and Brooks relocated to Jacksonville, Darla, the boys and I made a trip to Jacksonville to visit with them for the day! It was much needed since we hadn't seen them in a few weeks and missed them. The kids enjoyed playing together in Christine's backyard while us mommies got to chat and catch up. For lunch we decided to take the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's for some fun. I had never been to one before and didn't know how much craziness I was in store for. Brayden was in game heaven. The boys and Brooks ran around like crazy, playing all the games and eating pizza. They also got to meet Chuck E Cheese himself. The day ended with a quiet ride home for me and Darla while the boys slept from all the fun. We miss our weekly play dates with the Lyon's but are glad that there only a short drive away!

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