Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tree Art

Since I'm now an Pinterest addict, I have been finding many fun crafts to do with Brayden. I plan to fill the walls of our playroom with all of his masterpieces! The first one we did, I actually got from a friend off mine who did it with a little girl she watches.

We got a 10X12 canvas, finger paints and masking tape. I put masking tape on the canvas where I wanted a tree and all it's branches to be. Once I was done masking the tree out, I let Brayden go at it with the paint. He dipped his whole hand right in and started rubbing it all over the canvas. I think he's a natural, either a natural painter or just a natural mess maker, right to the bath tub we went! We let the painting dry outside and took the masking paint off.

Here's our tree creation of green, blue, red and yellow finger paints. More canvas's will be done soon, Brayden is already asking to paint again!

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