Monday, January 23, 2012

One Month Old

Wow, has this month gone by fast! It's amazing to think a month ago today we welcomed Bransen into the world. Time has gone by fast and I know it will continue to. The first month has been filled with smiles, tears, sleepless nights and an over excited big brother.

Sleepless nights. Bransen has his days and nights mixed up and we're hoping in the next month he gets them right. Ian usually does the last feeding around 10:30-11:00 while I sneak into bed early to get some sleep before Bransen wakes up in the night. He's been waking up around 2:30-3:00 and is usually up until 5:00-5:30 and then Brayden is up shortly after. Mommy is running on coffee, lots of coffee! He isn't too fond of a swing at the moment either. He likes his boppy and his vibrating chair and of course to be held and we love our snuggle time with him. Even though it feels like its far less with a demanding little toddler in tow! That's why right now I like the night feedings because it gives me a little alone time with Bransen to love on him.

Right now he has hazel eyes, although we think they will change to brown soon. He is very strong. He's always trying to lift his head and he pushes his strong legs when we try to change his diaper. He also looks more like the McDonald side of the family. He has my Dad's long toes and skinny legs and definitely has a lighter skin tone rather than the Barrette olive tone.

Brayden is a big helper! He likes to hold the bottle to help feed his little brother, he gives him back his pacifier when he drops it, continuously wants to give him kisses and likes to help with bath time. He gets overly excited to when we have to pry him away from Bransen and get his mind on a different activity. Everywhere we go he's sure to tell people that Bransen is his little brother.

Life as a family of four gets better everyday! Here are pictures from week one, two, three and four and a month!

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