Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ice Skating

Who would ever think in Florida that you would be able to ice skate outside over looking the ocean? Well it's possible. My dad and Ian put their skates on and skated at the Daytona Bandshell while my mom, Brayden and I shopped some of the shops and make a special visit to my Grandma's stone that we have up at the ocean for her.

My mom purchased the stone at the beach shortly after my Grandma died. Since she was buried in Massachusetts there was no where close by that we could go and visit and she loved the beach so it was the perfect place to put a stone. She would have loved to have met Brayden and would be so proud of all of us today. I know she's watching down on all of us and looking after us. I miss her everyday and think of her all the time.

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