Two in a half years, where have they gone? They sure have been fun and by far the best two in a half years of our lives. So what's going on with this little guy (or frog!) goes!
- He'll repeat almost everything that you say! So we now have to be careful with our choice of words. Some of his new words are: waffles, pretzels, tractor, Mickey, Minnie, guppies (for the show Bubble Guppies), gummie (for his vitamins), pop, macaroni and cheese, Christmas tree, Eli, basketball and many more! He's also putting many words into sentences with his favorite phrase being "let's go Jet's!" and "It's nice" Also I have to note this for me to remember in the future: he also likes to point out Ian's truck but truck comes out more like cock, so we usually will here "Daddy's Cock" mentioned throughout the day. We know what he means but when he screams it in the store our faces turn a little red.
- Loves, loves, loves school. It was the best decision Ian and I made was to put him in school for two half days a week. His teacher Ms. Kathy is amazing and she always has good things to report back to us. We've seen a big difference in his vocabulary since he started school. He asks every morning if for school so I think we'll be adding another half day soon after the first of the year.
- Babci has taught him the Itsy Bitsy Spider.
- He's starting to learn to undress himself. He's a pro at taking his pants off and is almost a pro at getting his shirt off and just starting a few days ago he likes to have his pajamas off and dressed in his clothes for the day shortly after he awakes.
- Can quickly get on a sugar high! His choices at home are usually fruit, cheese, crackers, and pirate booty (organic cheese puffs) but at Babci's he's spoiled and gets the good stuff but he quickly gets on a sugar high!
- Loves playing with his friends, Harrison, Brooks, Noah and Ethan and still calls them all Darla.
- He loves playing outside on his swing set and driving in his cozy coupe.
- Talks on the phone. Babci will call him almost everyday and ask to talk to him. He loves getting on the phone and telling her about his day. She'll ask him questions and he'll answer as best as he can.
- He sleeps in big boy beds now at both our house and Babci and Papa's. No more cribs or pack n' plays. He's made the transition easy!
- He's very smart. Ian and I were just talking about it last night, but whenever you ask him to do something he knows exactly what your asking. If you ask him to go get something he knows exactly what your talking about and where it is.
- His favorite foods are still chicken and pizza!
- He loves looking at the moon outside. He can point out the moon quicker than us!
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