Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Ryan's Visit

My sister and her family came for a visit from Massachusetts last week. It had been a year since we had last seen them so it was a much needed reunion! Brayden enjoyed spending time with his aunt, uncle and cousins, although he was a little shy and overwhelmed at first he warmed up very quickly. We enjoyed spending alot of time swimming in the pool. Brayden got to love the water this week and by the end of it was floating around the pool by himself and never wanted to get out. He started jumping off the sides into our hands even going under water. This is a huge improvement from a few weeks ago. I think we'll be spending a lot more time in the pool now!

My nephew Connor spent a lot of nights hanging out with us at our house. Ian and him enjoyed hanging out watching movies and listening to music. My sister was able to go with us to our ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. I was so happy that it worked out to happen the week she was going to be here. Ian was also able to take a few days off of work to enjoy with all of us too! Friday night I was able to have a girls night with my niece Katie, while all the adults had a night out.

We wrapped up the week long visit on Saturday with a relaxing and fun day in the pool! As always it was sad to say good-bye. We will most likely all be together sometime next summer. We are going to make it a point to skype once a week so Brayden can remember who they are!

Of course there were lots of pictures taken this week to capture all of the moments!

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