Brayden got a new scooter. He loves riding the one at his friend Harrison's house so we decided to get him his own. He loves riding it and is really good at it! Keeps him busy for hours!
Seventeen weeks pregnant!
I received Brayden's two year pictures in the mail. While I was updating his picture in the frame I came across these that were in there too. His newborn picture, six months, one year and now two. It just showed me how fast time flies by! By little baby has grown into a such a little man!
The day we found at the we would be welcoming another little boy into our family. We went to my parents house afterwards and my mom had a balloon hanging on the mailbox for us!
While my sister's family was visiting my nephew Connor was listening to music on the computer. We put the headphones in Brayden's ears for the first time and he loved listening and dancing to the music.
Playing on Papa's drums. I think we have a future drummer on our hands!
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