We headed over to Alexander Springs for some fun in the cool seventy two degree water with the Edmonston and Womack families. After going today I'm not sure why we don't go over there more often. It's a short ride from home and tons of fun. We packed a lunch and some toys and got alot of laughs and smiles in return.
Of course, Brayden was not a fan of the water at first. This is usual for him with any place that has water. He screamed, cried and wanted to be held for about the first hour or two while we were there. I'm sure the cold water had something to do with it but with the temperature outside close to one hundred how could the water not feel good?! We went ahead and played in the sand a little, blew bubbles and ate some lunch. Ian ventured back into the water with Brayden. I ventured down to there a few minutes later and to my surprise he was swimming and chasing Ian in the water! For the next few hours it was impossible to get him out to the water, or the pool as he calls it.
We also went for a walk around the nature trail and made a stop at one of the docks that over looked the spring. The hot walk made us want to jump into the water again and swim some more before we headed out for the day.
As soon as we drove away, Brayden was fast asleep. That's the sign of a fun filled day!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Iphone Pictures
Brayden's new Spongebob shirt he got from one of my Dad's co-workers.
I guess a toilet is needed in the bath tub!
Timber came over for a weekend visit.
He loves helping Mommy clean and he's pretty good at it too! Ian says he's better than me. :)
Pool time! We decided to brave the gnats and mosquito's, spray bed spray all over us and enjoy sometime in the sun and pool!
Where's Brayden? I went in the room to find him and had to take a second look to see where he was!
Mommy and Daddy are artists
In Brayden's mind, Ian and I are artists and in reality we are far from anything you would call an artist. He loves to bring us his doodle and he insists that we draw him a picture of a train or "choo choo" in his words ,or Spongebob and he must watch us draw it. After were done he thinks its a masterpiece and quickly wants to erase it so you can draw it for him again. Wait! Maybe he doesn't think it's a masterpiece, he thinks it stinks and wants us to perfect it! Maybe he has an eye for art at such a little age! Luckily Ian is the drawer of Spongebob and I draw the train!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Bubble Boy
Since Brayden's new word is bubble, his love for playing with them has grown! This afternoon we decided to go outside and play with them.. He loved trying to blow them and actually got a few bubbles to blow and i'm sure he got some in his mouth too. I'm not sure what was more fun for him though, blowing the bubbles or spilling the bubbles all over the porch!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Ryan's Visit
My sister and her family came for a visit from Massachusetts last week. It had been a year since we had last seen them so it was a much needed reunion! Brayden enjoyed spending time with his aunt, uncle and cousins, although he was a little shy and overwhelmed at first he warmed up very quickly. We enjoyed spending alot of time swimming in the pool. Brayden got to love the water this week and by the end of it was floating around the pool by himself and never wanted to get out. He started jumping off the sides into our hands even going under water. This is a huge improvement from a few weeks ago. I think we'll be spending a lot more time in the pool now!
My nephew Connor spent a lot of nights hanging out with us at our house. Ian and him enjoyed hanging out watching movies and listening to music. My sister was able to go with us to our ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. I was so happy that it worked out to happen the week she was going to be here. Ian was also able to take a few days off of work to enjoy with all of us too! Friday night I was able to have a girls night with my niece Katie, while all the adults had a night out.
We wrapped up the week long visit on Saturday with a relaxing and fun day in the pool! As always it was sad to say good-bye. We will most likely all be together sometime next summer. We are going to make it a point to skype once a week so Brayden can remember who they are!
Of course there were lots of pictures taken this week to capture all of the moments!
My nephew Connor spent a lot of nights hanging out with us at our house. Ian and him enjoyed hanging out watching movies and listening to music. My sister was able to go with us to our ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. I was so happy that it worked out to happen the week she was going to be here. Ian was also able to take a few days off of work to enjoy with all of us too! Friday night I was able to have a girls night with my niece Katie, while all the adults had a night out.
We wrapped up the week long visit on Saturday with a relaxing and fun day in the pool! As always it was sad to say good-bye. We will most likely all be together sometime next summer. We are going to make it a point to skype once a week so Brayden can remember who they are!
Of course there were lots of pictures taken this week to capture all of the moments!
Iphone Pictures
I've recently been taking alot of pictures with my Iphone again! It's the quickest way to get the shots that you aren't expecting. Here's a few from the last week or two!
Brayden got a new scooter. He loves riding the one at his friend Harrison's house so we decided to get him his own. He loves riding it and is really good at it! Keeps him busy for hours!
Seventeen weeks pregnant!
I received Brayden's two year pictures in the mail. While I was updating his picture in the frame I came across these that were in there too. His newborn picture, six months, one year and now two. It just showed me how fast time flies by! By little baby has grown into a such a little man!
The day we found at the we would be welcoming another little boy into our family. We went to my parents house afterwards and my mom had a balloon hanging on the mailbox for us!
While my sister's family was visiting my nephew Connor was listening to music on the computer. We put the headphones in Brayden's ears for the first time and he loved listening and dancing to the music.
Playing on Papa's drums. I think we have a future drummer on our hands!
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