Monday, October 21, 2013

Future Baseball Player

Brayden has officially started playing tee-ball and absolutely loves it. The first practice Ian took him and Brayden jumped right in. Brayden loves making new friends and can jump right into any group and have no problem talking or doing what the other kids are doing. I love the fact that he's not shy and intimidated by others! The team started practicing one day a week for a few weeks and then we moved onto to games. And no there not nine inning games! Each team bats and plays the outfield twice and the games usually last about forty-five minutes. The team is big on routing on all players and it's great to see all the teammates cheering on the player at bat. The first game Brayden was afraid to run after the ball when the batter hit it, but second game he was all for it. I think he liked the sliding effect of trying to get the ball the best. He is on Team Paradise and has already made a "best buddy" Enzo.   These two are always together out on the field and have formed quite the friendship.  I'm excited to watch all these boys grow and learn the game of baseball. We also have friends on other teams that we have been able to watch and play also. Fall season is short wrapping up in a few weeks but we're already looking forward to Spring Ball. Papa and Babci have also been big supporters and have been to all the games so far! Brayden has quite the cheering section.

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