Sunday, January 27, 2013

Merry Christmas

Last Christmas morning, I woke up in the hospital with a lady upstairs from me screaming in pain about to have a baby, this Christmas I woke up to these two little boys filled with smiles on the sight of what Santa had left behind.

We put streamers on Brayden's bedroom door so he would have to brake out in the morning to see the surprises of what Santa left behind. He was quick to run to the tree and stand in front of it in complete awe as to what Santa had delivered for him. He jumped right in to unwrapping all his presents. Of course after each one he wanted us to open it right away, but with each present he got more and more stunned that they were all for him. The one big present he wanted Santa to bring him was a "big truck". My parents bought the boys a power wheel truck but we wanted to wait until they arrived Christmas Day to give it to the boys so that they could witness the boys faces as they went outside to see it. Well Brayden was speechless. The one present he had been asking Santa for, had arrived and in his eyes it was huge!

And let's not forget about Bransen's Christmas morning, he had a few presents to open but had most of the fun playing with wrapping paper and boxes!

We had Christmas at our house this year like we usually do. My parents, Ian's parents and my Brother and Sara came over to celebrate. It was a beautiful day outside so we spent all of it hanging out on the porch. Brayden was able to practice driving (mostly steering) his new truck. He still needs some more practice steering!

Every year as the boys get older Christmas gets more fun. Seeing the excitement on their faces as Santa had made his deliveries is priceless.

Oh and Happy 28th Birthday to me too!

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