Monday, September 24, 2012

Road trip to Alabama/Georgia

We took our first family of four road trip to visit my cousins who live in Alabama and Georgia. It was actually perfect timing because they just received orders to move back to Fort. Lewis, Washington and it will most likely be another five years or so before we get to visit with them again.

I was so worried about how the boys would do making the seven hour car ride. Well I am so happy to say they did awesome! We stopped ONCE! Yes just once, for lunch. Brayden watched his movies the entire way and Bransen mostly slept. Never once did we hear a wine out of them there or home.

My cousins Ryan and Mercedes have two sons Ronan and Boston which are both a little older than our boys. The boys had a blast playing together. Ronan and Brayden spent a lot of time outside and at the pool while the little ones played inside. Bransen officially got the crawling down more instead of so much scooching!

I also have cousins that live in Georgia right on the line of Alabama which we also got to visit with for the day!

We all had a great time! It was well worth the drive to get to spend a few days relaxing and visiting with family.

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