Monday, June 4, 2012

Magic Kingdom Take Two

We thought the first time was fun, well the second time was even better! Arriving at the Magic Kingdom had Brayden grinning from ear to ear. He knew exactly what kind of fun he was about to have and that's exactly what happened.

As we arrived into the gates of the Magic Kingdom we first met Goofy. Then we were lucky enough to get a fast pass to see Minnie and Mickey. This was also the first time we used the fast pass and it was a lifesaver. We waited in line for Minnie and Mickey for about five minutes. Brayden ran up and gave Minnie a huge hug and kiss. They spent a great amount of time with us too! Brayden was in Mickey heaven!

This time around at Disney we rode all different rides except we rode It's a Small World and Pirates of the Caribbean again. We visited Tomorrowland, rode the People Movers, Buzz Lightyear and Brayden's favorite, he got to ride a race car. We got to ride Winnie The Pooh, watch two parades and a show! We tried to go on the Haunted House. We made it almost to the ride and Brayden decided he had to use the bathroom...I think that was an excuse not to go on the ride because he never did have to go!

It was our last visit for the season and we're already looking forward to going next year!

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