Friday, February 24, 2012

Two Months Old

What's new with the 2 month old?!

  • He's sleeping seven hours straight at night. We usually lay him down to sleep around 8:30 and he wakes up for a bottle around 3:30, drinks it and goes right back to sleep until around 7:00. This makes for one happy momma!
  • He loves to be held, I don't blame him!
  • He started sleeping in his crib in his room on 2/18. He loves watching his turtle night light shine the stars and moon on the ceiling.
  • At his two month check-up he weighed 12 pounds 11 ounces, and 24.05 inches long! He received six shots and took them like a champ! Doctor says he's very alert for his age and is very strong.
  • He has just started smiling. When I go and get him out of his crib and look down at him and he notices me and he smiles, it automatically puts a huge smile on my face and it melts my heart!
Pictures from week 5-8

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