Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Munchkin Sports Week Two


This will be Brayden's favorite of them all. He loves throwing and hitting the baseballs. He actually said baseball for the first time this weekend, another word to add to his growing vocabulary.

We started this week off a little shy again but warmed up quicker. Another hard part for Brayden is standing in line to wait for his turn. He is quite the busy bee and standing still is no where in his agenda, so he's usually off running until they call his turn.

This week the kids learned the bases, how to hit the ball with a bat, to wear a glove,  how to catch a ball, to throw the ball back and forth and to run the bases. At the end of the class the kids got to hit the ball and run all the bases and cheer eachother on. He even played ring around the rosie with the kids at the end, something he didn't do last week!

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