Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Breakfast with Sesame Street

Despite the rainy hurricanish weather we had all weekend (it never rains for weekends long in Florida!) we made the trip to SeaWorld to enjoy our reserved breakfast with Count Dracula and friends! We were a little bummed that we weren't going to be able to make it to SeaWorld's Spootacular event but there's always next year! We were just excited to still be able to do breakfast and knew Brayden was going to love every minute of it.

Once we arrived we got seated and to our surprise had a front row table, must have been because I made the reservations a month ago! We went ahead, got our breakfast and waited for the show to start. All the characters came out on the stage, did a dance and then made there way through the audience to meet and greet with all the kids. Of course Brayden was a little shy at first but warmed up after meeting Cookie Monster. Once Elmo came out onto stage he was thrilled. He has a new love for Elmo. The entire show he didn't take his eyes off the stage. At the end of the show we were able to go and have our pictures taken with Elmo and Count.

All the smiles, laughs and giggles from Brayden made the drive and walk through the rain so worth it! And the stop on the way home for a singing Elmo and Elmo shirt put the icing on the cake for Brayden!


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