Sunday, September 25, 2011

Iphone Pictures

I've been slacking a bit with posting my iphone pictures. I've been taking alot of them but haven't seemed to remember to post them lately and there the pictures and moments I love the most. The ones I can capture quicker and faster than getting my camera out!

Trying sushi for the first time. He wasn't a fan of it!

Playing with his new ball and glove Papa and Babci brought him back from the Rays game.

The glasses are always around!

Wearing Daddy's socks!

Five Months!

Making pizza with Babci!

Helping Papa with his daily puzzle.

Having fun with his harmonica. Babci and Papa love buying toys that make noises! He's actually pretty good at playing it too!

What can be more fun that bringing your toilet seat in the tub and then sticking your head in it!

Six months and counting!

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