Monday, August 22, 2011

And He's Off...

Today was definitely a milestone day for me! Sending Brayden off to Pre-School had to be one of the most difficult things I've had to do as a mother. I was nervous all morning but excited to. I had such a mix of emotions all day. For the last few days we have been asking him if he wants to go to school and he always gets big eyed and shakes his head yes with excitement and as we pulled into the school parking lot this morning he was clapping and screeching with excitement. As I tried to get a good picture of him looking at the camera it was impossible to get him to stay still, which resulted in only getting one picture.

As we walked up to his classroom he was still excited. We walked in and he went to play and immediately stole a baby doll that another little girl was playing with. I unloaded all of his stuff, was introduced to his teacher Ms. Cathy and Ms. Shannon, signed him in, said goodbye and  then left. As I was walking away I could see him up at the door looking out through the window crying. It broke my heart but I knew I couldn't go back in. Once I got to the car I cried myself.

I was missing him by the time I had to go pick him back up. As I walked into his classroom he was sitting at the table with another little boy and he yelled "Mommy Mommy!". He ran over to give me a big hug and then waved by to everyone else. His teacher said he did great and only cried for ten minutes after I left. As we were getting into the car he looked at his school and said bye school. When I asked him if he wanted to go back to school he got wide eyed and shook his head yes!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Brayden!!! I was just about to call you and I am so thrilled to see your post! I knew he would love it...isn't it great. That was fun this morning, we will definitely have to do more of those!
