Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Weekend

We had a great weekend celebrating Dad's! Unfortunately for Daddy and Papa, this weekend started off with work. We were determined to get our new addition to the house completed with the last step of grouting the tile. I'm happy to report that it is finished! Now it's my turn to step in and decorate and get the playroom moved. Brayden gave Ian part of his Father's Day present early so he could enjoy his Saturday morning coffee in his new cup.

Sunday we headed out to breakfast with Daddy at Cracker Barrel and then headed over to Papa and Babci's for some afternoon pool time. This was the first time Brayden really enjoyed getting into the water. He has been very hesitant and never brave enough to try it. Today, he was jumping in and splashing all around.

Brayden is so blessed to have such an amazing Daddy. We're thankful for everything that he does for our family. Ian and I are very lucky to have such amazing Dad's in our lives too.

"Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad"


  1. Great pics! Looks like a wonderful weekend. Can't wait to see your new playroom!!!!

  2. I'm glad you guys had a great Father's Day! Those pjs look so cute on Brayden :)
