Looking back on the last year I can't believe Brayden is already two. It has gone by in the blink of an eye and has been filled with so many special and fun memories.
Not only has Brayden had one to day to celebrate his birthday I like to think of it more like a "birthday week"! We started off the birthday celebrations with a train themed party with some of his best buddies, Noah, Ethan, Harrison, Addison, Cooper and Bailey! We had a ride on train outside, cake and ice cream and every one left with a goodie bag filled with Thomas the Train goodies! I also attempted to make my first cake. It was a little difficult at times and thankfully I did it a few days early and while Ian was home because he was able to help me at times that I wanted to throw it away! The look at Brayden's face when he saw his choo choo cake was priceless and made all the work worth while! He had a great day celebrating with his friends!
On Saturday we continued the celebration with some water park fun at Daytona Lagoon!
On Sunday we had a family party. Grandma and Grandpa Barrette came over and Grandma and Papa McDonald. You were overwhelmed with many more birthday presents. Your favorite were the motorcycles Daddy bought you that morning. We were talking through the store and Daddy saw them and said Brayden needs these for his birthday and they were your favorite. I think you played with them ALL day! We ate more cake, this time cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday again! You loved clapping along and blowing out the candle. We lit the candle twice so you could blow it out!
Excited to see what the two's have in store for us! :)
I have been off Blogger for a little too long. I will have to steal a few of these. Great pics!! Happy Birthday, Brayden!!! We love you!