Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rainy Monday

A place where the sun shines 340 days or so a year, we were quite excited to wake up and see that it was going to be a gloomy wet day, which means PJ day! We didn't get out of our PJ's all day except when Brayden took a bath just to put a fresh pair on. I tried to take pictures throughout the day of some of the fun things we did inside today, although I am glad that the weather is going to clear up today we'll be able to play outside!

We started our day coloring on our new table with our new Color Wonder Markers. We colored throughout the day until we had our masterpiece finished and ready to hang on the refrigerator!

Brayden played with Play-doh! Just one container, one small container. I'm not brave enough to play with more than one in the house. Play-doh will be an outside thing in the future.

Cleaning. His new favorite thing to do! Lately he'll want a wipe, paper towel, or Kleenex and he'll go around dusting the furniture. He's a big help, today he tackled the refrigerator!

Read books, lots of books. Loved it! This is also one of his new favorite things to do throughout the day. He'll being me a book and sit right on my lap and let me read it to him. Sometimes he makes me read the same book five times in a row. I will also ask him to go and get a new book and he will bring me a new one right away!

Muffin tin Monday. I decided to give it a shot and it was much success. I think he ate more and definitely more of a variety. His lunch consisted of a juice box, cheese its, a PB&J sandwich, broccoli with ranch (ranch makes everything taste a little better), grapes and cheese. We'll definitely make Muffin Tin Monday a regular Monday lunch routine.

Trains. What kind of day would it be without playing with our trains!

Watching the rain outside. For the most part it was just a steady rainfall all day. Around 3:00 it turned dark and windy but it moved fast, fifteen minutes later it had pasted us by.

We sang and danced around to the Brayden CD. It's a CD that says his name over fifty times in nine songs. He loves when he hears his name!

We learned to use a coaster. You can see the excitement on his face! :)

Watched cartoons! Yo Gabba Gabba, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & some Sesame Street!

Until the next Rainy Day......

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