Brayden played a season of soccer through a league that was setup at school!
Also while playing is the spring season of tee ball
We took a two mile hike through Graham Swamp.
We took a camping trip to Tomoka State Park.
We went to the Flagler County fair with friends!
We had Junior Olympics at CTK.
Easter arrived. We colored eggs and went to Easter Service. We also went on an egg hunt!
We went and watched our old teammate and friend Enzo play ball!
Mother's day was spent at the waterpark!
We bought our first home and the boys are sharing a room!
Brayden's last day of VPK and graduation came quickly this year! He had a graduation ceremony, received a diploma and sang songs. Well he didn't sing anything. He told us we sat too close and he was nervous!
Cousin Connor came to visit and the boys were sure to take up every moment they could with him even waiting outside the bedroom door in the morning!
Brayden turned five! FIVE!! Can not believe my baby is five and going into Kindergarten. We celebrated with an angry birds theme party with his friends and then a dinner party with Papa and Babci. Brayden wanted nothing to do with people singing Happy Birthday to him. The fives have brought on shyness when attention is on him! The best surprise was the return of our Elf Kibb. He came all the way from the North Pole to celebrate Brayden's birthday with him!
And to save the best for last, we have spent many days at the beach and at the Roberts house with our friends Kameron, Jake H., and Johnny! These boys are making memories!