Thursday, September 5, 2013


Summer is officially over and school is back in session. We had a great summer and as much as I'm going to miss having Brayden home and having no set schedule, Brayden is ready to jump into his year of VPK. When we first started school at Christ the King he was only two and it seemed like forever before we would be entering the classroom of VPK, but it came up fast and it's here! Some of his friends from last year will be in his class and then he'll also be making lots of new friends. His teachers Ms. Jessica and Ms. Kathy are ready to teach and I can't wait to see all the new things Brayden learns this year. I'm going to soak up the afternoons that he is home because next year is Kindergarten and it will be full days.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013



And we do Ninja Turtles a lot around here.

An afternoon spent with Daddy at the park.
Brayden fell asleep watching tv and nicely lined up all his animals to sleep next to him.
I just love Bransen's long blonde locks. After wetting his hair to comb it I couldn't believe how long it was when he doesn't have the little curls. I don't plan on cutting the back anytime soon, no matter how many people like to refer to him as a girl!
It's very rare when Brayden takes an afternoon nap.
Somebody enjoyed pizza night!
It's always fun to put together the alphabet train puzzle. Brayden puts it all together and Bransen likes to go and pull it all apart, most of the time while Brayden is still completing it!