Saturday, August 31, 2013

Summer of 2013

To sum up our summer of 2013 in just a few words: 99% of it was spent in our bathing suits!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Camping with the Waters

When we first started camping back in 2010 and took our first camping adventure to Anastasia Park we happened to have a campsite next to a couple with two little girls. Who would have known that we would stay in touch (thankful to facebook) and end up camping with each other again three years later. And yes we planned this one! Stephanie's friend that she went to high school with also joined us from Georgia along with her husband and six kids!

Now maybe we should have known that camping in July would be hot, but we took the chance and had a great weekend. We had minimal rain except for one Saturday afternoon shower where we all took a nap.

We spent most of Friday setting help and helping the others do the same. Saturday we took a trip to the Tomoka Statue and took a walk along the river. We also ended out trip with a Saturday night Italian feast for all. It will filled with salad, spaghetti, a dutch lasagna and garlic bread!

The kids enjoyed playing with  with each other almost non-stop and the adults enjoyed sometime catching up. We are looking forward to catching a camping trip with the Waters family again soon sometime this fall!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Daddy turns 33

Ian turned 33 and of course we had to celebrate! I think the boys get more excited for celebrating than we do! Brayden could not wait to sing Happy Birthday and most of all eat the cake. The looks on the boys faces show that they all enjoyed Daddy's 33rd birthday celebration!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Visit with the Edmonston's

The boys and I took a mini trip to visit with my friend Emily and her two boys Jackson and Carter. Her boys are right around the same age as Brayden so we figured they would have a blast getting to hang out for a few days and it would give us some girl time. The boys played non-stop, even with one night only getting a few hours of sleep and being up nice and early watching tv. We even made a trip to the park and waterpark while we were there. Brayden even almost tried going on the big slide was there until he stub his toe and came back down.  The boys had a blast spending time together. We were hoping to make it back for one more trip before school started but it never happened.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hands On Muesum

The boys, Babci and I made a trip to Jacksonville to check out the Hands on Museum. I am so happy that I decided to ask my mom to come along and not take on this adventure (or nightmare that it would have been) by myself. The place was great but it was crowded and with two kids going in the complete opposite directions it was at times stressful! The kids had a blast going into all the different centers. Brayden spent most of his time in with the fire truck. He dressed up and went down the fire pole most of the time! Bransen strolled along checking everything out and spent most of his time at the train table! Along the way we shopped at the grocery store, had a puppet show, dressed up for a theatre show, and played in the restaurant. We ended the day with lunch outside and then the boys convinced me to take them back in for a little longer and I'm glad we did. The rush of people had left around lunch time so we had most of the place to ourselves.