Monday, June 17, 2013

Daddy Returns

Ian had to go up to Georgia to help finish up a job. What started up with being gone for a week ended up turning into a seven week adventure with only coming home for one weekend. It was tough to say the least, but we managed. I was more worried with how Brayden would be without Daddy coming home at night since he waits for Daddy's truck to pull in the driveway. We kept busy but missed Daddy like crazy. We are glad to have him home for good. This picture was taken on the day that Ian was returning for good. The boys couldn't wait to see him and I couldn't either!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Blue Springs

This state park was filled with a bunch of fun things! Ian wasn't able to make this one either because he was stuck working out of state but the boys and I had a great time with Papa and Babci. We started the trip with a lightning bug show. At times the park will have thousands of lightning bugs but it was gearing to be the end of the season so we were lucky enough to see a few. The next day we took a walk to the park and checked out the springs. We ended the day celebrating Babci's birthday, in which sneaky Brayden got into the cake while he was supposed to be in the camper watching a movie! We are looking forward to out next camping trip that will include Daddy!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Random Pictures in the Month of May

Cookie Face!
Our first trip of the season to the water park. Bransen spent most time on my hip!

or standing here, afraid to get in the water!

this looks like a nice place to take a nap!

Mom, I don't care that it's raining, I want to go outside NOW!

This is how Brayden gets away from the sun!

We celebrated our 5th year wedding anniversary!

the boys listening to a alligator trying to see if they can find it.

a face you just have to love!

Poor Bransen, he takes a lot from Brayden!

Splash park fun!

until he fell down, saw blood and freaked out for five hours with a towel over the cut! and no I am not exaggerating with the five hour part!

brotherly cuddle session in the morning

a picture with mom is always needed.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Faver Dykes

The boys and I along with my mom and dad went on a weekend camping trip. I ventured with two kids camping for the entire weekend without Ian as he was away working in Georgia. The weather was cold and misty most of the time but the boys had a fun filled weekend being outside and any weekend spent with Papa and Babci is always a good time. The campground was smaller than ones we have visited in the past so we spent most of our time hanging out at the site. We took a nature walk and a trip to the park that was about a mile away so quick trips back and forth to the park weren't happening!