Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Heart Attack

Starting February 1st going all the way up until Valentine's Day, I put a heart on each of the boys doors at night so they would wake up with a new heart and another reason why I love them.
These boys are beyond special and loved for so many reasons that coming up with a new one each night was easy.

It's hard to see in the pictures so here are some of the things I love about these boys.

I love your goofiness
I love the way you say I love you
I love how you like to pick out your own outfit
I love your imagination
I love how your a great big brother
I love how you always hug me goodbye at school
I love when you sleep past 6:00a.m.
I love your big brown eyes
I love your expression when something excites you
I love how close you are to Papa and Babci
I love how excited you get when Daddy gets home
I love how well your doing in school
I love when you like to help me out


I love your giggles
I love your cuddles
I love your a blondie
I love when you "shake" it
I love your laid back attitude
I love how good of an eater you are
I love how much you love your brother
I love your little gap
I love to listen to you gab
I love our morning walks
I love how much you love "batman" food
I love how you wave hi and bye
I love how much you love your teddy

Monday, March 11, 2013

You're My Sweethearts

The day was spent with my two little sweethearts until my big one came home! The boys and I had a day filled of red and sweet moments. We started the day off by a red heart themed breakfast of heart shaped pancakes. Afterwards they opened their Valentine's.  As Brayden was down opening his Valentine he looked at me with his big brown eyes and said "Mommy, you got my some of my favorite things!" Sweetest words to hear that I did such a great job. His Valentine was simple and filled with a cake pop, Reese Pieces and some an Aveneger's box filled with chocolates. Bransen was lucky enough to get chocolate but he did get some of his favorite yogurt melts. The boys and I made some Valentine cupcakes to end off the day. I also got a sweet delivery of flowers from all the boys for Valentine's Day!