Brayden can't wait until his brother can start playing with me, although I'm not sure he knows whats in store! He's going to have to share his cars which he is very possessive of. Right now Bransen will sit in his bumbo seat and Brayden will put some cars on there and drive them around on the tray and try to get Bransen to hold them. And right now Brayden can snatch them back at any minute he wants too and he does! These boys are going to have lots of fun playing with each other in no time!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Balloon to Heaven
A balloon was sent up to heaven for my grandma for her birthday on March 21st! The balloon made it halfway up, stopped in a tree for a few minutes and then floated up to heaven for it's arrival. We hope she enjoyed our way of wishing her a Happy Birthday!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Meme Visits
We got to visit with Ian's grandma, Meme while she was down for a week to visit. Of course her visited started off with Brayden being sick and lastly most of her visit but we did get to spend one day with her where Brayden was up to par. He was very shy around her while we were at Ian's parents but when she came up to our house to visit and Brayden was in his own comfort zone he was loving all over her! He loved showing her all his cars. This was also the first time she met Bransen too! Brayden gave Meme a big hug before she left and I think they really enjoyed there visit together we just wished we were able to see her more while she was there. And since she's left his still asks to say hi to Meme and just the other day he wanted to show her how he rides his bike. We hope to see her again soon.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Little Irish Boys
My boys get the Irish from me so we proudly wore our green on St. Patrick's Day! We had a green themed breakfast with shamrock shaped pancakes, lucky charms and green milk! The green milk was a huge hit and was asked for all day long! Green milk also came with a green mustache. Dinner was a yummy corn beef and cabbage followed by lots of outside play!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Walt Disney World
Brayden's first trip to Disney World sure was magical in more ways than we expected! We made sure not to tell him where we were going so he was sure to be surprised and so we wouldn't have to listen to him say "Mickey's House" for the hour in a half car ride. As soon as we got off the exit and onto Disney World grounds and he saw a statue of Mickey his face lit up and the magic began.
We started off with Breakfast with Mickey at Chef Mickeys and it was well worth it. Brayden couldn't wait to meet Mickey and friends and this was a great opportunity to have some one on one time with them instead of having to wait in the lines at the parks to meet them. He ran up and greeted Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Pluto with big hugs and had each of them sign his autograph book. We also enjoyed a nice breakfast before burning off a bunch of energy in the Magic Kingdom.
We hopped on a monorail and made our way into the Magic Kingdom. It was hot! It was one of the hottest days of the year and it was crowded. We waited on average about fourty five minutes per ride and Brayden was great with waiting in the long lines. I think he knew that something exciting was up ahead. I think he enjoyed It's a Small World, the best and also Pirates of the Caribbean! He's into pirates right now so the ride thrilled him along with the Mickey pirate ears he got before we left!
We all had such a great day at the park and are looking forward to going back and doing it again soon. We weren't able to make it to see everything we wanted to check out so we'll be sure to catch them the next time.
We started off with Breakfast with Mickey at Chef Mickeys and it was well worth it. Brayden couldn't wait to meet Mickey and friends and this was a great opportunity to have some one on one time with them instead of having to wait in the lines at the parks to meet them. He ran up and greeted Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Pluto with big hugs and had each of them sign his autograph book. We also enjoyed a nice breakfast before burning off a bunch of energy in the Magic Kingdom.
We hopped on a monorail and made our way into the Magic Kingdom. It was hot! It was one of the hottest days of the year and it was crowded. We waited on average about fourty five minutes per ride and Brayden was great with waiting in the long lines. I think he knew that something exciting was up ahead. I think he enjoyed It's a Small World, the best and also Pirates of the Caribbean! He's into pirates right now so the ride thrilled him along with the Mickey pirate ears he got before we left!
We all had such a great day at the park and are looking forward to going back and doing it again soon. We weren't able to make it to see everything we wanted to check out so we'll be sure to catch them the next time.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Race Week 2012
Race weeks roared into Daytona and we got to check out all the excitment. One day before the Daytona 500 we headed to Daytona International Speedway with my parents to check out all the excitment. The best part of the day for Brayden was getting to ride the bus. He loves looking at the buses driving around town so when he saw the buses that were going to shuttle us over to the speedway his eyes lit up. He sat next to Papa on the bus and took it all in with a big smile on his face.
Once we arrived at the track he was quick to put his fingers in his ears. He hates loud sound and anticipated it far in advance, the cars weren't even on the track at. We took some photos, walked around the trailers, got some lunch, Brayden got some new cars and a number 14, Tony Stewart window decal.
And for the first time in racing history the Daytona 500 was cancelled due to rain. It hardly ever rains in Florida but of course it did and postponed the race to Monday night when the rain finally decided to head out!
As much as Brayden loves cars I know he would love going to a race, the loud noise is too much for him right now and we tried putting headphones on him to block the noise and he doesn't like them. So he's pretty much out of luck on seeing a race until he starts liking one or the other.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
25 Things I Want My Sons To Know
I love my kids so much. There isn't one thing in this world I will not do for them. I will kiss their boo boo's and wipe there tears. I will help them get dressed, teach them to do their chores, and feed them healthy foods. Lay with them at night, read to them, and sing silly songs. I will protect them and fight for them and give up my life for them. As they grow, I know it will only get harder to keep them inside my cozy little rainbow-filled bubble of happiness.
I wish them both the innocence of their childhood, the ability to laugh at themselves, a spiritual connection with God, and the desire to see the world. That being said, here goes:
1. When I look at you I see my heart.
I never imagined I had this much love to give until I had a baby. I never thought I could possibly have any more to give until I had you. You have taught me that my heart and my capacity to love is not fixed, it grows and grows and grows.
2. It’s okay to let go of your penis. It’s not going anywhere. I just want you to know that it will be there forever and you have your whole life ahead of you to play with it.
3. I will be happy to buy you a pink ball, a pink balloon, or a pink toothbrush if you so choose.
I understand that through your eyes the color pink is just that, a color. It really makes no difference to you – and therefore should make no difference to me whether you want to wear a pink superhero cape or wings.
4. Your nose is NOT an appropriate place for the following items: crayons, beads, marbles, cheerios, pasta, peas, carrots, french fries, legos, q-tips, or your finger. Period.
5. Play. Draw. Paint. Create.
Creating art should be a constant in your life. It lends great insight to an ever-moving journey and encourages individuality and expression. If you’re doing it right – I expect to see fingerprints on walls, paint on floors, mud on the carpet and even in your hair. Go ahead, experiment!
6. On the other hand, there are rules that need to obeyed when you are in a home. You need to respect others and their possessions. I know boys will be boys!
7. Take your time summoning your inner genius.
There is a competitiveness that seems to have taken hold of every elementary school and playground in America. The pressure to learn more – faster, quicker, better than your peers. Never mind that mumbo jumbo. Learning takes time and everyone does it differently.
8. Explore the outdoors.
Get outside as much as possible. Breathe the fresh air. Play tag. Ride bikes. Skip. Hop. Jump. Run. Climb. NOW.
9. Accept others for who they are.
In an age where bullying has taken precedence amongst our youth, I hope I have taught you to see the value in differences. Preps, Emo, Punk, Popular, Nerds, Drama, Jocks – bottom line: It doesn’t matter. Power lies in friendship.
10. Always keep moving forward.
There will be times in your life when you feel stuck. It’s up to YOU to decide where you’ll go. Keep on trekking. Go, go, go kid. You’ll move mountains. Oh the Places You’ll Go!
11. You are Superman.
To me – you really do have superhuman strength and speed, the ability to defy the laws of gravity, and immunity to almost all forms of harm. How else would you be able to move the desk into the hallway, climb on top of it, “fly” off it – smack right into the wall and get up and walk away unscathed? Answer: You are Superman. Case closed.
12. Love letters are legacies.
In such a fast-paced world, we often overlook the simplest yet sweetest gestures in regards to love. A love letter written from the heart is a welcome treasure amidst the sea of endless emails and texts that consume us daily. They are refreshing, candid, and romantic. Ask your father to teach you, he’s a pro.
13. It’s okay to cry.
Crying is a natural emotional response to feelings. We all do it. Men cry. Women cry. Children cry.
14. Always be proud of who YOU are.
You may not be the quarterback of the football team, the homecoming king, or the lead singer in the band – but really now, who cares? As long as you stay true to who you are, everything else will fall into place. Checkmate.
15. No respectable girl wants to see your penis.
16. I hope I teach you well enough from a young age how to properly put on pants. One leg in, then the other, pull ‘em up at least to your hips, zip, button, buckle. Done.
17. Think before you ink. Tattoos are permanent.
18. Be an apprentice.
Before you leave for college, you must acquire some skill at performing the following tasks: laundry (separating, washing, drying, folding), making the beds, dusting, washing the floor, cooking, cleaning the toilets, grocery shopping for the week, vacuuming, emptying the dishwasher, sweeping the floor, cleaning the bedroom, watering the plants, feeding the pet. Your future wife will thank me.
19. Be a responsible traveler.
I have no problem with you hitting the open road and taking the old Volvo on a cross country adventure. In fact, I will applaud your independence and desire to see the country from sea to shining sea – but please don’t make me have to book a 3:00am flight to God knows where to visit you in the hospital.
20. Find your passion.
Keep looking and searching. Never stop.
21. You will be my son forever.
There is an old adage that starts, “A son is a son till he takes a wife…” As you grow, I pray our bond stays strong enough to break any truth this saying might hold.
22. Love your Mother Earth.
23. Be a brother. Be a friend. Be a protector.
24. Take the road less traveled.
May you always try to make the right choices, not the easiest ones. Have the courage to lead, not follow. And to dream bigger than most others think is possible.
25. Wherever you are in life, you can come home. I will be here – always.
♥ mom
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