After going in for a routine ultrasound, my doctor found out that I was low on fluid and that the baby would need to be delivered that day. He gave us enough time to head home and get some last minute things in order which was greatly appreciated because we did not anticipate his arrival that day. We headed over to the hospital to get prepped for a c-section around 2:00 and within a few hours I was holding my new bundle of joy in my arms, well for a few seconds, until Ian took him to the nursery and I headed into recovery. While in the nursery Brayden, my parents and Ian's mom were able to meet Bransen for the first time. I got a special trip into the nursery once I was done with recovery to hold him for a few minutes before making it back to my room.
Brayden is thrilled to have his baby brother here. He asks to see him and hold him all the time and will just walk by him and give him a sweet kiss on his cheek. The love that he has for his brother already is beyond any words that I can express. It's simply amazing.
Ian and I are adjusting well to two boys. Right now Bransen has his nights and days mixed up so we're a little tired but are enjoying every minute of this adventure. We're so excited for the years to come and all the memories our family has in store to make!